The labour theory of value prevailed among classical economists through to the mid-19th cytosine with its most developed form appearing in Marxian economics but among modern mainstream economists it is considered superseded by the theory of marginal utilityThe term value takes on many meanings , and it is very important to be clear on what is actually meant when the term is being utilised Contemporary LTV theorists , following Karl Marx , distinguish between several central uses of the term valueFor any commodity : value in use is the usefulness of this commodity its utility value in exchange is the relative proportion with which this commodity exchanges for another commodity in other words , its price in the case of specie value without any qualifying adjective refers to the amount of labour embodied in commodityDavid Ricardo formulated the theory of comparative advantage in which he considered labour as the only factor of production , the amount of labour used in the production process determines the value of the product , he considered wine and material which were products produced by both England and Portugal , however Portugal had comparative advantage in both the production of wine and cloth over England . in time his theory of comparative advantage proves that both countries will cool off gain by tradingThe ratios of capital and labour used in the production process does not destroy Ricardo s principle that labour determines the value of final goods , it only modifies this principle because the capital labour ratio used in the production process mode the manner acting of production whether a capital intensive method of production or a labour intensive method of production , the method used in production depends on the availability and cost of the factors and also the type of goods to be producedCapital and labour determination of final valueThe concept that differing capital and labour ratios barely modifies his theory that the value of goods is determined by the amount of labour involved in the production of that good , one fountain why this concept only modifies his theory is because the theory of comparative advantage is based on the assumption that there hold up only...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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