In this country, we have many essay writers majority of who involve in delivering the essay writing service to the people in need of these services. Many essay writers also do train those interested in becoming future essay writers in essay writing services.
The essay writing service has been delivered to most of the interested students in most high schools and colleges in collaboration with the experienced essay writers. Most essay writers have also been permanently employee by many colleges and universities in the country to be involved in delivering the essay writing service directly to their students.
Most essay writers have of recent been involved or consulted by the media houses to offer their essay writing service to the public. Other essay writers do write their essays and place them in the newspapers to attract the target customers who might know the through the essay the have written in the newspapers. Corporate bodies and schools kike colleges and universities should start holding competition on essay writing whereby the essay writers are expected to come out and demonstrate on their essay writing service they offer and the awards are given to the best in essay writing. These competitions will help the parties participating to gain better essay writing skills.
Participants can indulge in the essay writing service industry in future. The governments of many countries where their citizens involve themselves in essay writing should come up with mechanisms like establishing regulatory bodies that will enable them to regulate the essay writing service that is delivered to their citizens in terms of its quality and also by taxing those involve in these businesses to enhance economic developments.